14sep - 29sep 1400:00sep 29Milano Green Week 2024: Martiri Oscuri Green Play Street
Event Details
On the occasion of Milano
Event Details
On the occasion of Milano Green Week, Off Campus Nolo of the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with Associazione Genitori Ciresola, Vespaioe and Rilegno, organize four days of recreational-cultural activities and temporary tactical urban planning intervention to prefigure the transformation of the street.
For further information write an e-mail to:
14 (Thursday) 00:00 - 29 (Sunday) 00:00
via martiri oscuri
27sep - 28sep 2720:00sep 28MEETmeTonight for the European Researchers' Night in Milan
Event Details
MEETmeTonight returns on 27 and
Event Details
MEETmeTonight returns on 27 and 28 September 2024 for the European Researchers’ Night in Milan.
This is the program of events involving researchers and teachers from the Polytechnic within MEETmeTonight:
FRIDAY 27/09
Science Match
Debates between experts who discuss, with the help of a moderator, topics with different points of view within the scientific community.
Space economy: opportunità, promesse o illusioni?
Paolo Trucco, Docente di Gestione del rischio industriale, School of Management Politecnico di Milano; Paolo Cerabolini, Chief Technical Officer Ricerca e Sviluppo, Thales Alenia Space. Modera Fill Pill
Sgomma il bozzolo
Città climaticamente neutre e intelligenti. Simone Vesentini. Politecnico di Milano.
La Ruota della Sostenibilità Urbana
Città climaticamente neutre e intelligenti. Massimo Tadi, Andrea Biraghi. Politecnico di Milano.
Flussi migratori e fluidi: coesione e movimento
Proteggere oceani, laghi e fiumi/Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. Edoardo Bocchi, Ivan Fumagalli. Politecnico di Milano.
Dispositivi MEMS: cosa sono e perché sono ovunque
Città climaticamente neutre e intelligenti. Luca Rosafalco. Politecnico di Milano.
La bioingegneria in azione: il Microambiente Tumorale
Sconfiggere il cancro. Claudio Conci. Politecnico di Milano.
Acqua e Innovazione: La Ricerca che Protegge il Futuro
Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. Beatrice Cantoni. Politecnico di Milano.
Incontriamo la fotosintesi con la fotonica
Città climaticamente neutre e intelligenti. Alessia Candeo e Margherita Maiuri. Politecnico di Milano.
Terapia fototermica per trattamento di tumori: un lavoro di squadra tra ingegneri e nanobiologi
Dialoghi. Paola Saccomandi, Politecnico di Milano; Paolo Bigini; Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri.
Le ondate di calore a Milano: un aiuto dalla data science Numbers
Lorenzo Gianquintieri. Politecnico di Milano.
Autoconsumo e Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili: strategie per città intelligenti e carbon neutral
Dialoghi. Maurizio Delfanti. Politecnico di Milano e Gianluca Ruggieri. Università degli studi dell’Insubria.
Dal riciclo al ridisegno: la sfida dell’economia circolare
Vita da ricercatore. Davide Chiaroni. Politecnico di Milano.
Speed Date
Speed dates are moments designed to be able to speak directly and informally with scientists at the beginning of their careers. 40 doctoral students, in sessions of 15 minutes each, will be available to ask questions one-on-one with the public. The activity will take place on Saturday afternoon, starting from 3pm.
At 3.30 pm, Davide Troiani, PhD student from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan, will be present.
10.00-13.00 (2 slot)
The Road to Zero
Domenico Brunetto. Politecnico di Milano.
Life-civic lab_Come cambia il tuo quartiere?
Anna Moro. Politecnico di Milano.
PANTA REI: Prospettive di AdattameNTo sociAle nell’eRa del cambiamEnto climatIco
Sara Giarola. Politecnico di Milano.
15.00-19.00 (4 ripetizioni)
Giochi di Luce e Colore
Matteo Corti. Politecnico di Milano.
For the full schedule and to sign up for workshops:
27 (Friday) 20:00 - 28 (Saturday) 20:00
Università Bicocca - BIM park in Viale dell’Innovazione, 3 / Science Park in Viale Sarca
28sep09:00- 12:00Milano Green Week - Green Sense: piante come allerta per l'inquinamento
Event Details
On the occasion of Milano
Event Details
On the occasion of Milano Green Week, the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano presents the GreenSense project, which proposes the implementation of an innovative system for urban environmental monitoring through the use of plants integrated with a network of sensors.
For further information click here.
(Saturday) 09:00 - 12:00
Politecnico di Milano, Giardini di Leonardo
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Milano
Politecnico di Milano
29sep10:00- 17:00Milano Green Week - "Biodiversity and AI: Observing Nature"
Event Details
For Milan Green Week, the
Event Details
For Milan Green Week, the NESLab laboratory of the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano presents the intelligent IoT sensors that have been installed in UpTown Park..
Participation is free and no technical skills are required.
For further information see the event in Italian.
(Sunday) 10:00 - 17:00
Area UpTown
Via Pier Paolo Pasolini 3, Milano
Politecnico di Milano
12oct10:00- 16:00Polimi Parasports For All: play with your ability
Event Details
The Politecnico di Milano strongly
Event Details
The Politecnico di Milano strongly believes in the value of inclusion, a key element of the strategic sustainability plan for the 2023-2025 triennium. Strengthening inclusion both within and outside our community is therefore a priority for us, and one of the ways we have chosen to do this is through theuniversal language of sport.
For this reason we have organized the event Polimi Parasports For All, a day dedicated to parasports at the Giuriati Sports Center on October 12th. Participants will have the opportunity to try various sports guided by competent associations. It will be a unique opportunity to experience firsthand the sporting activities of people with disabilities, creating an environment of integration and exchange, as well as an opportunity for people with disabilities to try new parasports.
A dedicated area will also be set up for the presentation of a selection of research projects from the Politecnico di Milano focusing on sports and disability.
The event is free and open to all, read the full program and register (mandatory) here:
(Saturday) 10:00 - 16:00
Politecnico di Milano, Centro Sportivo Giuriati
Via Celoria 15, 20133 Milano
Politecnico di Milano in collaborazione con Fondazione Cariplo
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