31 May 2017 09:00 at 17:10International Symposium on Nanomedicine


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Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanomaterials. Nanometer-sized particles have, in fact, optical, magnetic, chemical, and structural properties that set them apart from bulk solids, with potential applications in medicine. Nanomedicine is expected, in the near future, to deliver radical changes in the way we diagnose and treat diseases. It is a multidisciplinary field in continuous evolution spanning academic, clinical, and industrial sectors. Nanomedicine has the potential of developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools (theranostics) that could represent a real break-through in healthcare.
In this regard, today Politecnico di Milano officially inaugurates its Interdepartmental Laboratory of Nanomedicine (NanoMedLab) that will act as a common forum to promote initiatives and give visibility to the multidisciplinary community of PoliMI researchers working in this scientific area of strategic interest. The NanoMedLab will allow all interested researchers to have access to a facility for the preparation of nanomaterials that may be applied to nanomedicine and, more in general, to life sciences.
The inauguration will be followed by an international workshop in the context of the interdisciplinary course on Nanomedicine of the PhD school. Among the leading international experts in the field will speak at the Politecnico to present their latest findings.


31 May 2017
09:00 at 17:10


Politecnico di Milano, Aula Rogers

Via Ampère, 2 - Milano