Politecnico di Milano participates in the fifth edition of #STEMintheCity, the initiative promoted by the Municipality of Milan – in collaboration with important public and private sector entities and the support of the United Nations – to spread the culture of STEM among young people, cultural stereotypes that distance girls from study paths in technical-scientific subjects.
The title of this edition is “Naturalmente STEM. For a sustainable and digital future”.
The goal is to give voice to environmental issues to demonstrate how much science and technology are able to support the future of the new generations.
#STEMintheCity provides a rich program of activities articulated throughout the Month of April, the Month of STEM, and will culminate in the STEM Marathon on 21-22-23 April.

Events for students of Secondary School 2nd grade, and for all
April 14 at 17:00La matematica del Covid
April 21 at 15:30 – L’innovazione tecnologica al servizio della medicina del futuro
April 22 at 16:00 – Come il 5G rivoluzionerà la didattica e la mobilità del (prossimo) futuro?
April 22 at 16:00 Feminist Knowledge
April 23 at 11:30 – Mappare il mondo: PoliMappers @STEMintheCity
April 23 at 16:00 Feminist Knowledge
April 23 at 16:30Da spreco a risorsa di prima necessità: il recupero delle eccedenze alimentari per fini sociali in ambito urbano
April 30 at 12:00 – GIRLS@POLIMI: Opportunità per ragazze che scelgono di studiare Ingegneria

Events for educators
April 23 at 14:30 – STEM online@Polimi
April 23 at 17:00 – Tecnologie e risorse digitali per l’insegnamento della matematica e non solo

For the full program of #STEMintheCity, visit the official website.