7 June 2024 18:30An Archive of one’s own. Women’s Archives at Politecnico di Milano


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Event Details

Raffaella Crespi, architect, exhibition and industrial designer; Lica Covo Steiner, graphic and designer; Liliana Grassi, architect; Elsa Haertter, photographer; four archival fonds -four out of more than fifty-preserved by the Historical Archives of Politecnico di Milano, which, while telling us of professional lives and #passions, the topic chosen for this year’s edition of Archivissima, will lead us to reflect and debate on the sense and importance of preserving and maintaining over time a testimony, an account of what has been, and on what this means especially for women.
Through stories and dialogues and by looking at photographs, notes, drawings, we will discover together how these archives “of one’s own” are now archives “for all”, not only precious testimonies of activities carried out with passion, but pieces that recompose an atlas of lives, often unconventional, of achievements, valuable as much for understanding the present as for planning the future.

A panel discussion with:

Marisa Galbiati, Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano
Francesco Guida, Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano
Roberto Dulio, Delegato della Rettrice per il Sistema Archivistico, Bibliotecario e Museale del Politecnico di Milano

Exceptionally, archival materials typically not accessible to the public, will be on display at the event: diaries, photographs, objects, drawings and more.

The event is included in the calendar of Archivissima Festival, June 6-9, 2024

Here for registration: https://forms.office.com/e/jnij27vWQ9



7 June 2024


Politecnico di Milano, Archivi Storici (Bovisa)

via Candiani, 72 - Milano


Politecnico di Milano