10 July 2018 21:00Polimifest - Concerto "Finardimente"

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On the occasion
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Event Details
On the occasion of Polimifest, the Polytechnic of Milan, hosts Eugenio Finardi in concert with “Finardimente”: a compound word that is both an adverb, a name, a verb. Three ways to answer the question of what truth in art is . This will be the new show between music and words of EUGENIO FINARDI where the singer-songwriter will try to unveil his truth behind every form of artistic representation with a sincere and brash tale of the emotions of entire generations and of course his music!
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10 July 2018
Politecnico di Milano
Campus Bovisa, Via Durando 10 Edificio B9A Ingresso 2
Politecnico di Milano