13 May 2024 until 15 May 2024 19:30 at 21:00Pint of Science 2024


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Event Details

13-14-15 May: Pint of Science, one of the largest scientific dissemination events in the world, returns to Italy. In this ninth edition, seven city pubs (Ostello Bello Grande, Triple Craft Beer, Alibi Music and Spirits, BiMstrò, Spiller Isola, 10gradinord and Union Club) will host researchers for free who will talk about their work over a pint of beer, showing the beauty and importance of science and technology in our society. The 21 talks of the event will range across the most disparate topics: space, cosmetics, synthetic meat, artificial intelligence and sustainability are just some of the examples. Great attention is also paid to inclusion: this year for the first time there will be a sign language interpretation service on three evenings in one of the initiative’s pubs. All events are free and open to all.

Program https://pintofscience.it/events/milano

Politecnico will have four talks:

  1. Alberto Antonietti with “Connessioni future: esplorando le interfacce cervello-computer”, Monday 13, at 7.30 p.m. at Spiller Isola
  2. Giovanni Maria Conti with “Moda sostenibile: ben vestiti è meglio, ma forse nudi sarebbe meglio?” Tuesday 14, at 7.30 p.m. at Alibi Music and Spirits (accessible talk with LIS interpretation)
  3. Maria Chiara Pastore with “Alberi in Cittá?! Dalle aspettative alla realtà, cosa vuol dire piantare alberi in città, e dove?”, Tuesday 14, at 7.30 p.m. at Union Club (event proposed by NBFC)
  4. Francesca Zanotto with “Fare spazio. Città, architettura e biodiversità”, Wednesday 15, at 7.30 p.m. at Ostello Bello Grande



13 May 2024 until 15 May 2024
19:30 at 21:00


Vari pub



Politecnico di Milano