21 June 2023 09:00Numbers and Stories: New Directions for Climate Storylines and Scenarios

Event Details
The aim of "Numbers and
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Event Details
The aim of “Numbers and Stories” is to survey and discuss new directions in climate change research, with an interdisciplinary approach. The theme of the workshop revolves around the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in climate change research, most importantly the development and use of scenarios for emission and decarbonization pathways, the storyline approach to detection and attribution of extreme weather events, and their repercussions for climate policy under deep uncertainty. Scenarios are key tools for depicting future climate and play a key role in assessments such as those of the IPCC. As the community looks forward to developing the next generation of scenarios, it is important to discuss which elements should be included in the narrative and operationalized in the qualitative and quantitative assessments. The workshop is planned as a full-day event with individual talks on Storylines in the morning and Scenarios/Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) in the afternoon. We will end with a panel discussion focused on the recent AR6 IPCC report with invited panelists, speakers and the organizing/scientific committee.
Organizing/Scientific Committee
Hernan Bobadilla (DMAT), Rawad El Skaf (DMAT), Francesco Nappo (DMAT),
Massimo Tavoni (DIG), Giovanni Valente (DMAT).
9:00-9:20 Irene Sabadini (Chair of the Mathematics Dept.,
PoliMi) & Paolo Volonté (Coordinator of META): Opening words
Session I: Climate Storylines
Chair: Malvina Ongaro (Philosophy, PoliMi)
9:20-10:10 Julia Mindlin (Climate Science, Buenos Aires):
A way to assemble the climate story: the value of the storyline approach
10:10-11:00 Vincent Lam (Philosophy, Bern):Â The epistemology of physical climate storylines
Chair: Marianna Musmeci (Sociology, Milano Politecnico)
11:30-12:20 Emily Boyd (Sustainability Science, Lund):Â tba
Session II: Scenarios & Integrated Assessment Models
Chair: Riccardo Chesta (Sociology, PoliMi)
14:30-15:20 Steven Yearley (Sociology, Edinburgh):Â tba
15:20-16:10 Sara Giarola (Engineering, PoliMi):Â Enhancing the usefulness of emission scenarios to inform climate science
Chair: Giovanni Valente (Philosophy, PoliMi)
16:40-17:30 Massimo Marinacci (Economics, Bocconi):
Decision making under model misspecification
Panel Discussion: Assessment of IPCC AR6
Moderator: Giovanni Valente (Philosophy, PoliMi)
17:30-17:45 Hernan Bobadilla, Rawad El Skaf &
Francesco Nappo (Philosophy, PoliMi): Questions
17:45-18:30 Andrea Castelletti (Engineering, PoliMi),
Emanuela Colombo (Engineering, PoliMi),
Mathias Frisch (Philosophy, Hannover),
Wayne Myrvold (Philosophy, Western Ontario),
Massimo Tavoni (Economics, PoliMi) & all invited speakers: Discussion
The event will be held in English.
âNumbers and Storiesâ is an in-person only event.
Participation is free of charge.
Registration is required LINK
21 June 2023
Politecnico di Milano, Edificio 16B, Aula 16B.1.1
Via Bonardi, 9 - Milano
Politecnico di Milano