27 April 2017 14:00Non-linear Interaction between near and far seismic wave-fields, including soil and structure. Some results of the SINAPS@ French project


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Speaker: Dr. Fernando Lopez Caballero

After the disastrous earthquake-induced accidents at the Japanese nuclear power plants of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa (2007) and Fukushima (2011), the SINAPS@ research project was launched in France to explore uncertainties and quantify margins to ensure and maintain the safety of nuclear facilities against earthquakes.

After an overview of the main objectives of SINAPS@, the presentation will focus on one of the main work packages of the project, with the aim of investigating the earthquake effects related to wave propagation from the source to the structure and the equipment, involving the non-linear response of soils, the role of material heterogeneities, and the non-linear dynamic interaction of soils and structures.


27 April 2017


Politecnico di Milano, Aula Beltrami

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Edif. 5


Politecnico di Milano