12 November 2021 14:30Natta Award | Lectio Magistralis
Event Details
Awards Ceremony: Natta Award 2020 |
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Event Details
Awards Ceremony:
Natta Award 2020 | Patrik Schmuki
Natta Award 2021 | Michele Parrinello
Opening Remarks:
Donatella Sciuto | Executive Vice Rector Politecnico di Milano
MariaPia Pedeferri | Head of CMIC Department
Sir J. Fraser Stoddart | 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2019 Natta Award, Northwestern University
Pierroberto Folgiero | CEO Maire Tecnimont
Elena Bottinelli | Responsabile Innovation & Digitalization Gruppo San Donato
Natta Award 2020
Patrik Schmuki
Friedrich Alexander Universität (FAU)
Lectio Magistralis: Self-organizing electrochemistry: Formation and features of aligned oxide nanotubes
Natta Award 2021
Michele Parrinello
Italian Institute of Technology | Genova
Lectio Magistralis: Seeing is believing
The Awards Ceremony can also be followed remotely
Natta Award is the award that the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano assigns to who has distinguished himself/herself in the world for his/her original studies and researches, and has reached outstanding achievements in the main areas of interest for the CMIC Department.
12 November 2021
Politecnico di Milano, Aula Natta
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Milano - Edif. 6
Politecnico di Milano