4 June 2018MODIHMA 2018. Moisture Detection in Historic MasonryMethods to prevent and reduce dampness in masonry

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Event Details

The purpose of the conference is to make the state of the art of the applications for reduce rising damp  after more than forty years of use, gathering experimental results, depicting pros and cons and considering their durability and the maintenance that is required to obtain the best results. 

Finally, the conference will verify the underlying theory, pinpoint limits and potentialities of the application of physical laws on which the methods are based.  

Scientific Committee
Elisabetta Rosina – Politecnico di Milano, ABC Dept.
Antonio Sansonetti – ICVBC CNR
Nicola Ludwig – Università degli Studi di Milano, Physics Dept.
Elisa Franzoni – Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dept. of Engineering
Cristiano Riminesi – ICVBC CNR
Barbara Lubelli – CNR – ISAC
Dario Camuffo – CNR – ISAC

Conference website: www.modihma2018.polimi.it


4 June 2018


Politecnico di Milano, Aula Rogers

Via Ampère, 2 - Milano


Politecnico di Milano
