14 March 2024 until 15 May 2024 00:00ITALIAN DESIGN DAY March 14, 2024

Event Details
On the occasion of the
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Event Details
On the occasion of the Italian Design Day
The eighth edition of Italian Design Day will be held on Thursday 14 March 2024, an event created in 2017 with the aim of promoting Italian design abroad, thanks to numerous initiatives taking place on the same day all over the world.
Promoted and organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Culture – General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity, the event enhances Italian design and Made in Italy throughout the world, through exhibitions, meetings, presentations, competitions and seminars, where the most well-known professionals, entrepreneurs and journalists in the sector offer their experience and knowledge, highlighting the unique aspects and iconicity of the Italian design system.
This year’s theme is Manufacturing Value: Inclusivity, Innovation and Sustainability.
These are the initiatives organized by Politecnico di Milano
All the lectures will be in english
5/03/2024, ore 17.00
Lecture Alba Cappellieri, design professor
National Museum Oman
Made in Italy and made in Oman
Lecture Giampiero Bosoni, Design Professor
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Parigi
Celebrazione per ricordare il centenario della nascita della designer italiana Cini BoeriÂ
Lecture Giovanni Maria Conti, Design Professor
in collegamento con lâAmbasciata Italiana a Managua â Nicaragua
13 marzo 2024, 14:00
Lecture Livia Tenuta, Design professor
Akademia Sztuk PiÄknych im. WĹadysĹawa StrzemiĹskiego, ul. Wojska Polskiego 121, ĹĂłdĹş
âItalian Jewellery between beauty and virtueâ
What does it mean âdesignâ? Which are its methods, its function, its innovations? Design and jewelry are strongly interlinked. Jewelry is a crossroads of different values, meanings, fields and disciplines. Since jewelry has always reflected the spirit of the times, what does jewelry reflect today? From preciousness to awareness, sustainability is one of the answers.
14 marzo 2024, 18:00
Lecture Livia Tenuta, Design professor
The Tides â II piano, ul. WioĹlarska 8, Warszawa
Conferenza e fashion show âItalian Design Talksâ
What does it mean âdesignâ? Which are its methods, its function, its innovations? Design and jewelry are strongly interlinked. Jewelry is a crossroads of different values, meanings, fields and disciplines. Since jewelry has always reflected the spirit of the times, what does jewelry reflect today? From preciousness to awareness, sustainability is one of the answers.
14/03/2024, ore 18.00
Lecture Raffaella Mangiarotti
Galleria âAccademiaâ presso lâAccademia di belle Arti di Sofia.
L’architetto e designer Raffaella Mangiarotti parlerĂ delle sue creazioni e della sua idea di design. Lâincontro con una delle piĂš raffinate designer italiane offre lâoccasione per approfondire alcune delle tematiche che coinvolgono il mondo del design italiano, in particolare visto dallâottica femminile.
Lâingresso è libero previa prenotazione obbligatoria allâemail: iicsofia@esteri.it.
14/03/2024, Ore 18.30
Lectures Annalisa Dominoni e Benedetto Quaquaro, Design Professors
Galleria dâarte contemporanea Frankfurter Kunstverein
âDesign for innovation, sustainability and inclusion in space â
18 marzo 2024, 19:00
Lecture Livia Tenuta, Design professor
Open Source Krakow
âMaking sense – the new Italian fashion showâ
What does it mean âdesignâ? Which are its methods, its function, its innovations? Design and jewelry are strongly interlinked. Jewelry is a crossroads of different values, meanings, fields and disciplines. Since jewelry has always reflected the spirit of the times, what does jewelry reflect today? From preciousness to awareness, sustainability is one of the answers.
Lecture Luisa Maria Virginia Collina, Design Professor
The Library at UBT (University for Business and Technology) Innovation Campus- Lipjan, Pristina (Kosovo)
“Italy Azerbajijan initiative”
Silvia Deborah Ferraris, Design Professor
Italian Embassy Lubiana (Slovenia)
Francesco Scullica, Design Professor
Mostra itinerante âItalia Genialeâ, promossa dal Ministero degli Esteri insieme ad ADI Design Museum, Almaty (Kazakistan), a cura di Carlo Martino e Francesco Zurlo, Preside Scuola del Design.
INFO: Italian Design Day – La qualitĂ che illumina (italiandesignday-official.it)
14 March 2024 until 15 May 2024
Vari Luoghi
Politecnico di Milano