26 February 2024 until 27 February 2024Edulands – Landscape education for transition


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Event Details

The two-years ERASMUS + project EDULANDS (2021-23), was aimed to develop new methodologies and tools to promote a shift in the educational framework for social and environmental transition. It set up an international and interdisciplinary codesigning process to empower youths, foster their sense of belonging to the places and
promote active responsible citizenship, even in vulnerable contexts.

This conference is the final step of the research. It will present and discuss the project experience and results, including the analog and digital didactical tools set up during the process. The seminar is open to teachers, scholars, artists and educators, active in formal and informal contexts and will offer workshops for educational paths codesign.

Contact person
Prof.ssa Paola Branduini, DABC, paola.branduini@polimi.it
Prof.ssa Camilla Casonato, DAStU, camilla.casonato@polimi.it


26 February 2024 until 27 February 2024


Politecnico di Milano, Aula Magna - Rettorato

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Milano


Politecnico di Milano