19 March 2019 10:00 at 12:00Connecting Existing Pieces of Evidence in Time and Space for Understanding Real-World Events


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Event Details

In this talk, we will discuss problems associated with synchronizing specific events in space and time (X-coherence), fact-checking, and mining persons, objects and contents of interest from various and heterogeneous sources including — but not limited to — the internet, social media and surveillance imagery. For that, we seek to harness information from various media sources and synchronize the multiple textual and visual information pieces around the position of an event or object as well as order them so as to allow a better understanding about what happened before, during, and shortly after the event. After automatically organizing the data and understanding the order of the facts, we can devise and deploy solutions for mining persons or objects of interest for suspect analysis/tracking, fact-checking, or even understanding the nature of the said event. Our objective is to use the developed solutions to help us answering the four most important questions in forensics regarding an event: “who,” “in what circumstances,” “why,” and “how,” thus identifying the characteristics and circumstances in which an event has taken place.



19 March 2019
10:00 at 12:00


Politecnico di Milano, Sala Seminari

Via Ponzio 34/5, 20133 Milano


Politecnico di Milano