21 March 2019 17:00 at 19:0026th Gustavo Sclocchi Theses Award


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The Politecnico di Milano will host the Ceremony of the 2018 edition of the SPE-EAGE-Assomineraria “Gustavo Sclocchi” Theses Award.

Every year, since 1993, the Society of Petroleum Engineers Italian Section, the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and Assomineraria organize the “Gustavo Sclocchi” Theses Award in order to encourage and reward excellent university graduates who specialize in engineering, geo-sciences and other disciplines related to the Energy Industry.
In 2001 the Award has been named after Gustavo Sclocchi, Eni manager and SPE Italian Section Chairman who strongly promoted the initiative and prematurely died on the same year.

The prize is awarded to students completing their Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Second level Master or Philosophy Doctorate.
From 1993, almost 700 theses were carefully evaluated and 126 have been awarded. Recently, the vast majority of the theses is written in English, demonstrating the increasing internalization of the professionals of tomorrow.

Politecnico di Milano is actively involved in SPE activities, with a recently formed Student Chapter, joining the other two Student Chapters of Turin and Rome.
Amongst the recent winners of the Gustavo Sclocchi Award, Politecnico di Milano is proud to mention the Msc Theses of Giuliano Marco and Alessandro Caia (Dept. of Energy) and the PhD theses of Dr. Ehsan Ranaee (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering) and Dr. Aronne Dell’Oca (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering).

Prof. Alberto Guadagnini, Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter and will host the Award Ceremony. Dr. Jean-Marc Dumas, SPE South Central East Europe Director, will attend the event.

The Award Ceremony represents the perfect moment to recognize the strong commitment of our students and encourage them to become enlightened leaders of the future.


21 March 2019
17:00 at 19:00


Politecnico di Milano, Aula Magna

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Milano


Politecnico di Milano