24 March 2017 11:00 at 17:45Engineering modern software systems. A tribute to Carlo Ghezzi


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The meeting, organized by the Advanced software architectures and methodologies group, will be introduced by prof. Carlo Ghezzi.

Modern software systems entail larger-than-ever contexts (think of Cyber-Physical Spaces or distributed smart-factories) whose technical and socio-technical implications are being actively researched. In this context, the dire challenge we face is to push forward the foundations of software engineering, discussing, blending, and distilling ideas, both old and new, whereupon the new page of software engineering practice may be inked. With this endeavour at heart, outstanding minds from software engineering research, both colleagues and friends to our own Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, will gather in a workshop to expose their views and ideas on modern software systems engineering research within the most recent confines and contexts of our discipline. In the scope of this workshop, we will discuss the next page for modern software systems engineering research focusing, among others, on: education of new software engineers, software requirements and architecture and their (self-)adaptability; error-free and self-healing software. This is our tribute to Carlo, whose paramount contribution in defining these foundations allowed all of us to understand the depth and implications of software engineering research and practice. The speakers for this workshop were invited in appreciation of their relation to Carlo and span distant friends and collaborators to recent students who became successful researchers renown throughout our community.
A complete program of the planned event is available online (http://www.deib.polimi.it/ita/eventi/dettagli/1231) and a registration is required to attend (https://goo.gl/forms/iJ3zi8SBQjoDS7Py1).


24 March 2017
11:00 at 17:45


Politecnico di Milano, Sala Conferenze DEIB

Via Ponzio 34/5 - Milano


Politecnico di Milano